
Memoirs of a Campaign Intern

Amidst the political chaos of a Liberal leadership race, its easy to forget that there are, in fact, a great deal of people behind every candidate. The most glamorous of all positions is, obviously, the unpaid campaign intern/university student, and I thought that perhaps the voting public would appreciate a glance into what exactly an average day is like for us here on the Dion campaign.

So I usually wake up around 4am, hit the gym. Stéphane expects his interns to be in peak physical condition so at any time we can retrieve coffee for the office in awe-inspiring speed. Tricep strength is key for sure. Around 7 I'll head over to the campus for a class or two; unfortunately the whole university student deal implies occasional school work. Usually its hard to get a seat on account of the paparazzi. They see a Dion intern coming kilometers off, and I'm often confronted with a barrage of questions like “is it true you're simultaneously dating both Jessica Alba and Heidi Klum?” Don't worry ladies, I'm not. I mean, I was, but it just wasn't working out and I had to break it off. I was just too recognized when we went out.

For lunch I'll usually have some sort of high profile meeting with various political figureheads, I certainly never, ever eat lunch in a cafeteria with a textbook propped over my lunch. Never. I'll probably another class or two in the afternoon, if I'm in the mood. My evenings usually consist in me pouring over political textbooks, writing pages and pages of groundbreaking Liberal policy, and generally working myself cross-eyed. It's pretty sweet.

Hopefully I've shed some light upon the life of an intern: in all seriousness it's really a lot of fun and really great experience. - T.B.

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