
Post-Convention Chronicles

Hello everyone! If you were lucky enough to attend the 2006 Leadership Convention, you must be recovered by now since it's already two months later! I can't believe how time flies.
This is Ali Jonzon writing. I am one of the youth representatives on the Liberal Party of Canada's National Campaign Committee and a National Co-Chair of the Young Liberal's Election Campaign Committee. My counterpart is the wonderful Melissa Pierre from Quebec. I, myself, live in "Liberal-rich" Alberta. I think I was given the honour of serving on the above mentioned committees because they know that Alberta Liberals are the toughest! In any case, I'm extremely happy and excited to be a voice for the youth as we prepare for the next election (which we're going to win, by the way).
Some of you may remember me as a National Youth Co-Chair of the Michael Ignatieff campaign. Why, you ask, am I now on all these election committees if Ignatieff didn't win? Two words: tous ensemble. I am a Liberal first and foremost, which superceeds any leadership contest; serving my party is the priority. I'm not going to lie, I was devastated when the contestant I worked so hard for didn't win the leadership (you may have even seen the photo of me crying in Maclean's), but I also know that we're in very good hands under M. Stephane Dion! Think about it: he's a federalist, a Francophone, an intellectual, and an environmentalist. That is a lot of ammo against Stephen Harper! So far I've been very impressed by Dion, and am confident that he will only get better.
Since the convention, us Young Liberals have been working harder than ever to prepare for the next election. We have an amazingly talented youth team in place that have already accomplished so much. To name a few:

  • Marc Andre Gendron's YouTube Attack Ad Rebuttal was viewed on Mike Duffy Live and, to date, has received over 4800 hits! See it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON0pKGdLjxk

  • Several letters to the editor have been printed in both local and national papers, including the Globe and Mail.

  • Young Liberals in BC and Ontario have protested Harper's "child-care" program and Wajid Khan's crossing, respectively. Both of these protests received national media attention. My favourite lines from these protests were: (1) Help not Harpocrisy, and (2) Khan is Khanfused. These protests are a great example of a grassroots way to make people listen to the Young Liberals!

  • Young Liberals across the country were present at the Canadian Federation of Student protests, handing out flyers detailing Harper's so-called Post-Secondary Education platform, as compared to the Liberal's Post-Secondary Education funding and policies. For example, the Conservatives promised an $80 textbook credit that you receive when the school year is done. Whereas the Liberals dedicated $2.2 billion over five years to improve student financial assistance and help make post-secondary education more affordable for lower- and middle-income Canadians. Too bad one textbook is twice the amount the Conservatives promised. I think the students got the message that the Liberal Party are students' friends, while the Conservatives really aren't.

I could go on, but I think I'll leave the bragging there. The truth is--we're organized and we're ready to take the Tories head-on. If you're not currently in contact with any Young Liberals in your area and would like to help in the next election, please e-mail me at ajonzon@ualberta.ca and I'll put you in touch with a Young Liberal in your area.

Let's kick some Tory blue butt!

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