
Cause to celebrate

On Friday, July 20th, Liberals young and old gathered at the active nightlife destination, the Caprice. Tiffany Glover, a Vancouver Quadra dedicated Young Liberal, celebrated her birthday with an enjoyable combination of ingenuity and generosity. The reason was as Tiffany said, “It's my birthday and there's a by-election in the air: this is "A Reason to Celebrate"! Tiffany worked hard to promote the fundraising birthday party and posted the following message on facebook.com
“The recent announcement of a possible by-election in my riding has inspired me to try something new. Instead of giving out goodie bags at the end of the party as was tradition when I was young, all of the money raised from ticket sales will be donated to Joyce Murray's campaign to keep Vancouver-Quadra a Liberal riding.”
The hard work clearly paid off when $250.00 was raised for the Joyce Murray campaign. We want to congratulate Tiffany on an excellent idea, the hard work of following it through, and a very happy belated birthday.

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